Monday, November 14, 2011

Reflections on the Communication Skills for Teachers' course

What are your communicative strengths and weaknesses?
What do you do well?What do you want to improve?How will you work on these skills?

My communicative strengths are similar in oral and written format. Firstly, I am aware of my target audience and always make a conscious effort to set the right tone and register. For oral presentation, I would make sure that my voice is projected enough for the farthest audience to be able to hear me. As a result, loudness in communication is never an issue for me. This is very important as the audience might subconsciously complete my message if they cannot hear the entire message properly. This would result in miscommunication many a times and is highly dangerous.

Also for both oral and written, I always craft my message to be clear and concise as too much information would confuse the listener resulting in miscommunication again. Of course, this is also relative, i.e. speaking to an audience comprising of professionals is going to be very different from speaking to an audience consisting primary one pupils. Hence, I am aware of the nature of my audience as well.

Also, I would set the context of my message to be one that is complete. This ensures that I am not wasting the time of my audience and inspire confidence in the motion that I am proposing. Alternatively, it also helps in communicating the correct message.

I feel that my weakness lies in my nonverbal skills, namely posture and hand gestures. When I get nervous, I tend to repeat a certain hand gesture that does not help to relate a certain message. This might be confusing for the audience. Also, I slouch a lot and this does not exactly inspire confidence and it also affects how I project my voice. I think I need to practice speaking more often in front of a mirror to correct all the mistakes above.

Also, for written communication, I tend to be neglectful in my language used including grammar and vocabulary. As a role model of english teacher, I must work hard to be mindful on this.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

blog 3 making connection between your ese and the masterplans for ict in education

For your third post, describe which achievement(s) of the three masterplans for ICT in education are evident in the school/classes that you are attached to for your ESE.

Most students have shown that they possess the necessary skills to complete ICT-based projects/assignments. Many of the primary five and six students are tech-savvy enough to participate actively in the podcast exercises that the mother tongue department has pioneered. In these exercises, students would recite an oral passage in the manner they would during an actual examination and record it using podcasts. Their friends would then listen to these podcasts and advise each other under the supervision of the mother tongue teachers. The other levels have their respective ICT projects such as producing a simple powerpoint presentation at the primary 3 level and so on.

Most students are competent in the use of the Internet and simple word processing. Admittedly, due to the demographics of the student population in my school, there are still many lower primary students who are unfamiliar with using the computer. They would require assistance with switching on the computers or accessing the programs required for the lessons.

All full time teachers have the basic competencies in incorporating ICT in their lessons, and are receptive of using ICT as a pedagogical tool. Many FAs are not trained in IT and are not keen to using ICT in their lessons though. It might not be an easy task training them in using ICT as according to Erikson's Life-Spanish Development Theory, certain skills have to be attained at certain stages of life.

The provision of the necessary physical and ICT infrastructure for ICT-based teaching and learning with the proper networking and student to computer ratio is also evident.

In conclusion, my school had, at the time of writing, attained the achievements of Masterplan 2 to a certain degree but is still a distance away from those of Masterplan 3.

blog 2 masterplans for ict in education

in your opinion, why do you think it is important for MOE to develop the three Masterplans for ICT in education?

Singapore has since independence evolved from a manufacturing economy to a skill-based economy and is now transiting to a knowledge economy. As the small country we are, resources are limited and we have to transform into a knowledge economy in order to continue to prosper and develop. As the pillars of our economy, our students, the future of Singapore, must be equipped with the necessary information technology knowhow and inculcated with the correct mental disposition in school.

It is important that MOE takes a leading role in ICT rather than taking a backseat and expecting the students to pick up the necessary skills themselves. As a government organization, MOE has the resources to plan and implement an effective Masterplan that can become reality. Competencies in the essential information technology skill sets can be achieved much faster in this manner.

Has any of the Masterplans impacted you as a student? Share your experience of how ICT had been used in the classes you attended as a student (if applicable).

As Masterplan 1 was implemented in 1997, I was already in secondary school. Being in an independent school, I was not exposed to the Masterplan. Also, my school did not have the culture of using ICT in their lessons. The only ICT lesson I had was one particular Biology lesson.

Based on your enhanced school experience, how do you think the current Masterplan 3 may affect your role(s) as a beginning teacher?

During my stint as a contract teacher, I have been amazed and impressed to see ICT being widely infused in the school. It was indeed a stark contrast to my own experience as a primary school student more than a decade ago.

Teachers are not only conducting face to face lessons but they are also designing ICT infused lesson packages which are then presented in class. In my opinion, this opens up a new dimension to teaching and is an invaluable asset to a teacher. If the implementation of Masterplan 3 can be faster, I would foresee myself having access to new resources and learning in the process of teaching. It is inevitable that every teacher has to embrace ICT in their lessons, refusal to do so would definitely cause a loss of interest in their lessons, to say the least.

blog 1 enhanced school experience


Enhanced School Experience: Classroom Observations of ICT Use
Specific Observations

School Name: Blangah Rise Primary School
Class: 3 Emerald
Profile of the class:
(For e.g., the students’ academic abilities, stream and other characteristics)

The students are of mixed abilities, with roughly equal numbers of MA and LA. There are no HA students in this particular class. Due to the nature of the school, the students are mainly from the less privileged families. Hence, only about a third of them have access to computers and the internet from home.
As such, the computer and the internet are novelties to the students and they really look forward to English lessons that are conducted in the computer lab.

Subject: English
What ICT tools are used in the lesson?

Litespeed and AsknLearn are the two vendors BRPS has approached for ICT infused lesson packages, AsknLearn being the new vendor replacing Litespeed. The prescribed/recommended computer lesson for English is once per week, and the English teacher has the liberty to decide whether to carry out the lesson or not. This usually depends on whether the Stellar syllabus can be completed in time.

ICT infused lessons are carried out in the computer lab, which is equipped with enough terminals for every student. Headphones are also made available as the lesson package includes audio components. Besides these computer lab lessons, the teacher has also used ICT during normal classroom lessons, including Litespeed, Powerpoint presentations and youtube videos.

Describe how ICT is used for teaching and learning in the lesson.

The computer lab lessons are used mainly for teaching grammar, as the English Stellar syllabus is not very comprehensive in the aspect of the teaching of grammar.

Litespeed has a rather comprehensive grammar learning package, being organized into the different areas of grammar. This allows students to know concisely what they are required to know and why they need to know that particular aspect of grammar. Moreover, at the end of each lesson package, there are assessments to check their understanding. The teacher would monitor the results from these assessments and personally tutor any students that cannot do well in these. The learning process is rather self-directed and carried out an one's own pace. The teacher does not rush the students but rather expect quality learning from these ICT infused lessons.

As the lesson packages include animations or interesting plots, students are very engaged.

For this particular lesson....
At the start of the lesson, students are briefed on the objectives and expectations of the lessons. The teacher asked questions and evaluated the students' level of competencies in the topic before beginning the lesson. Ten minutes before the lesson concluded, he asked the students about what they had learnt to gain an understanding of how ICT has benefited them.

General Observation:

How do teachers in the school feel about the use of ICT for teaching and learning? (For this question, you may want to speak to the HOD/ICT and other teachers you know in the school.)

As my RO is the HOD/ICT in the school, I had much opportunity to interact with her and to observe her strategies and plans of ICT implementation in the school. Most teachers are very receptive towards infusing ICT into their lessons, including all subject teachers and even art teachers.

Regular training for teachers on new ICT programmes are carried out by various members of the ICT department, and electronic mailers are used to keep everyone updated on the latest developments or events that the department has done. This creates and maintains a culture whereby ICT is regarded as a valuable tool/resource in a teacher's arsenal.

Interactions with various other teachers during our mutual free time-slots reflected the above observation, and the general consensus is that ICT has really made learning a more enjoyable process for the students, benefiting them more than regular classroom teaching has.