Sunday, July 31, 2011

blog 2 masterplans for ict in education

in your opinion, why do you think it is important for MOE to develop the three Masterplans for ICT in education?

Singapore has since independence evolved from a manufacturing economy to a skill-based economy and is now transiting to a knowledge economy. As the small country we are, resources are limited and we have to transform into a knowledge economy in order to continue to prosper and develop. As the pillars of our economy, our students, the future of Singapore, must be equipped with the necessary information technology knowhow and inculcated with the correct mental disposition in school.

It is important that MOE takes a leading role in ICT rather than taking a backseat and expecting the students to pick up the necessary skills themselves. As a government organization, MOE has the resources to plan and implement an effective Masterplan that can become reality. Competencies in the essential information technology skill sets can be achieved much faster in this manner.

Has any of the Masterplans impacted you as a student? Share your experience of how ICT had been used in the classes you attended as a student (if applicable).

As Masterplan 1 was implemented in 1997, I was already in secondary school. Being in an independent school, I was not exposed to the Masterplan. Also, my school did not have the culture of using ICT in their lessons. The only ICT lesson I had was one particular Biology lesson.

Based on your enhanced school experience, how do you think the current Masterplan 3 may affect your role(s) as a beginning teacher?

During my stint as a contract teacher, I have been amazed and impressed to see ICT being widely infused in the school. It was indeed a stark contrast to my own experience as a primary school student more than a decade ago.

Teachers are not only conducting face to face lessons but they are also designing ICT infused lesson packages which are then presented in class. In my opinion, this opens up a new dimension to teaching and is an invaluable asset to a teacher. If the implementation of Masterplan 3 can be faster, I would foresee myself having access to new resources and learning in the process of teaching. It is inevitable that every teacher has to embrace ICT in their lessons, refusal to do so would definitely cause a loss of interest in their lessons, to say the least.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I do agree with you that MOE is indeed taking the lead to drive ICT in our education system and it is in sync with the global change. In fact, I believe MOE's plan to develop several ICT Masterplans is also to scaffold pathways for it's educators, enabling them to embark the ICT journey in stages.

    It is a rather remarkable experience to be in the midst of the rapid change - to see the difference between just 10 years ago and what Singapore has become now.
